Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

It’s officially spring time! Even though it’s still cold, and snow storms are bound to continue for months yet, I can see the signs of the season’s change. Daffodils are starting to peek through the mulch; little leaf buds are blossoming on the trees; and the birds are beckoning in the spring with their morning racket. With this season I, like most people, cannot wait for warm days spent outdoors in the sun. We’re not quite there yet, but that doesn’t mean I can’t start eating like we are.

Ice cream is one of my favorite desserts to make. It’s a lazy sort of a process for me. Make up the custard one night; churn the ice cream the next; freeze until later; and finally enjoy there after. There’s no rushing ice cream, and that’s a nice reminder to slow down and just enjoy the journey as much as the rewards.

This ice cream is especially perfect for this time of year. Herbal and refreshing, mint ice cream feels at home in Spring. And the green color just adds to the sense of awakening, renewal, and vibrance we want right now.

If you’ve never had homemade mint ice cream, you’re in for a real treat. The creaminess and flavor of a homemade ice cream is always superior to the store bought variety in my opinion, but there’s something so special about this ice cream’s flavor. Made from steeping fresh mint leaves in cream, the herb imparts a beautiful earthiness and richness that trumps the chemical and artificial notes of most mint ice creams. The mint is lighter, more complex, and more balanced all at once. Very elegant if I do say so myself!

As with all ice creams, the trick it to properly temper the eggs. If you mess up the tempering, you’ll curdle the eggs and end up with chunky custard instead of a smooth creamy ice cream. Just take your time, follow the instructions carefully, and you’ll be great!

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream - Makes about 1 quart


  • Ice cream maker

  • Fine mesh sieve

  • Freezer safe container


  • 1 1/2 cups whole milk

  • 1 1/2 cups heavy cream

  • 4 large egg yolks

  • 1/2 cup + 2TBS sugar

  • 1/8 tsp. kosher salt

  • 1 cup packed fresh mint leaves + more for garnish

  • 2 drops green + 1 drop orange gel food coloring (optional)

  • 3oz. finely chopped dark chocolate (72% cocoa)


  1. In a medium bowl whisk together the egg yolks, sugar, and salt until the sugar begins to dissolve and the mixture becomes slightly thickened and pale yellow. Set aside.

  2. In a medium saucepan, heat the milk, cream, and fresh mint over medium heat until just boiling. Remove the pan from the heat, cover, and steep for 20-30 minutes to infuse the mint flavor.

  3. Temper the eggs. While whisking continuously, slowly drizzle about 1/4 cup of hot cream into the egg yolk mixture. Whisk until the cream is fully incorporated, and then continue adding cream in 1/4 cup portions, continuously whisking, until about half of the cream has been added. Then, again continuously whisking, slowly pour the egg mixture back into the pan with the remaining cream. Return the pan to medium low heat. Continue to stir constantly, and cook until the custard has thickened and coats the back of a spoon. You’ll know it’s ready when it looks like melted ice cream and reaches between 170-175ºF. Be careful never to bring the mixture to a boil.

  4. Pour the custard through a fine mesh sieve into a clean bowl. Make sure to remove all the mint leaves. Press down on the leaves in the sieve to extract any remaining custard and mint flavor. If using, add the food coloring and mix well. Allow the custard to cool enough to refrigerate. Chill in the refrigerator for several hours.

  5. Once the custard is cold, freeze it in the ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Once the ice cream is done churning, add the chopped chocolate and churn just until the chocolate is fully incorporated. Transfer the churned ice cream to a freezer safe container, and store it in the freezer until ready to eat. I recommend freezing for several hours before eating.

Recipe adapted from Williams Sonoma


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